How Can One Company Charge $1500
For Rebuilding a Feed Screw and
Another Company Charge $850?

Here are a Few Reasons:

Flight Grinding Item #3
Brand X

A lot of our competitors manually grind the side of the screw flights after hardfacing or tool the excess material off with a lathe. When done manually, they cannot be expected to maintain constant flight widths; and in tooling it off with a lathe, this creates all kinds of havoc with the hardfacing, causing flights to chip, crack, peel off, and who knows what else.

Flite Tech

Flite Technology selects the proper procedure based on the requirements of each hardfacing material used.  But the important fact here is that we have flight grinding capacity to properly grind flight sides to maintain proper flight widths, eliminate damage to root diameters and radii that could be caused hardgrinding, and minimize stress to the hardfacing.

Another problem with this industry is that some salespeople low bid a job to get it, and then charge extra for minor repairs.  Normally, everything is covered in our quote, unless there is severe damage not previously indicated.

Shown below are some of the defects we have seen on feed screws rebuilt by some of our competitors.

1. Seal area undersized
2. Seal area grooved
3. Seal area out of round
4. Lead distorted
5. Flight angle modified
6. Radii ground erratically
7. Flight sides full of pits
and gouges
8. Root diameter wavy
9. Flight depths increased enormously
10. Screw geometry totally ruined
11. Hardfacing pitted & holey
12. Hardfacing falling off
13. Hardfacing much too soft
14.Hardfacing chipped
15. Hardfacing has severe cracks
16. Flight edges ground off
17. Register off size & rounded
18. Register out of round
19. Threads buckled up
20. Counter bore angled off
21. Length reduced 3/8”
22. Bent .080”
23. Chrome, wrong type
24. Chrome, too thin
25. Chrome lifting off
26. Seal not Concentric
27. Drive not concentric
28. Root dia not concentric
29. Grind cuts everywhere
30. OD under & over sized
31. OD has chatter marks
32. OD has rough Finish
33.Root dia pitted and holey


Flite Technology, Inc. | phone: 800-327-9310 | 407-631-2050 | Fax: 321-636-3508