Flite Technology, Inc.

Barrels/Cylinders Extrusion and Injection

CYL/Tech series, manufactured- bimetallic and nitride. Iron/boron CYL/Tech 110 for abrasion, 6.2-64 RC Nickel/chrome CYL/Tech 880 for extreme abrasive conditions. Trimetallix and CYL/Tech injection barrel resleeving- Resleeving for high wear stroke areas. Various liner  compositions including bimetallic and tool steel. Excellent heat transfer-thermocouple holes replugged and tapped as necessary to prevent leakage. Sleeves properly secured.
CYL/Tech Liners Twins Resleeved and Maufactured- Nitrided I.D.s bored out and new bimetallic liners installed or existing liners replaced. Liners available include CYL/Techtm 110,330, and 880.
Special Barrel Services

Barrel Honing- Honed to and even oversized dimension and screw flights rebuilt oversized to acquire original factory clearances and specifications. Gives barrel another life; screw can later be ground down to match new barrel. Venting- Flow diverters reduce vent clogging while minimizing leakage and are also heat conducive. Vent plugs are honed in position for excellent fit. Stacks added.
Extensions- Barrels extended for longe L/D/ ratios. Feed Housings Resleeved
Cracked- and Broken barrels repaired. Thermocouple- and pressure gauge holes installed or repaired.
Output ends- Refaced to correct leakage or pressure drop problems. High Pressure Barrel-End for extra protection and increased structural intregrity.
Jackets- Jacket added to existing barrels to place vents and vent plugs where none existed before. Rifed Liners

All Stainless Steel Barrels- For extremely corrosive environments.

Super Thick Liners- For applications that can stand considerable wear on I.D. and must still provide additional protection at this stage of wear.

Flite Technology, Inc. | phone: 800-327-9310 | 407-631-2050 | Fax: 321-636-3508